James McGarrell
Birth Date: February 22, 1930
Death Date: February 7, 2020
Artist Gallery
James McGarrell is essentially a painter who loves to draw. Printmaking for him began as another avenue to elucidate the ideas and emotions in his paintings and drawings. “One of the reasons that I paint, McGarrell has said, is to be able to see things which otherwise I couldn’t and to be able to see them, furthermore, in my own handwriting or to make a believable event which otherwise doesn’t exist”. McGarrell’s expressive mode is the visual metaphor. His effort stated in broad terms, seems always to be concerned with finding new meanings in the relation of man to objects and to his environment and to all the complexities of human interaction. The juxtapositions that expose these new meanings are strangely mute. They offer no easy verbal equivalents. They are profound, yet inexplicable.