Gail Russell
Birth Date: 1954

Artist Gallery
“My interest in clay, in art, began early. However I only first observed someone throwing on the potter’s wheel when I was a senior in high school – it was Les Miley, from the University of Evansville. I was immediately captivated by the process of throwing and went on to earn my BFA in ceramics under the guidance of Mr. Miley”. Gail Russell began making her acorn finials around 2000. The main reason she started making the acorn finial happened when she bought a farm and on the 1866 map of the area the property was labeled “Burr Oak Farm”. She immediately bought burr oak seedlings and they grew very well; this inspired her to try to make finials for her work in the image of acorns. “I have worked in porcelain for most of the years I have made pots. The feel-smooth; the color – white, its brilliance enhancing glaze color and texture; the sound – the clear ring of a bell; all captivate me. Pots that have function interest me most, though function has a broad definition. A platter on the wall serves as important a function as a bowl containing food or a vase displaying a floral arrangement – they all serve to inform and give value to our daily lives. Major influences include historic Asian forms and glazes, as well as day-today interests in the natural world of gardening and beekeeping." -Gail Russell