Richard Segalman
Birth Date: March 13, 1934
Death Date: July 6, 2021
Artist Gallery
Richard Segalman is a romantic by his own admission. It is his love affair with life that creates a frenzied obsession to paint and draw constantly. Segalman’s growth as an artist has been steady. He let the watercolor medium dominate and direct his creativeness and it was responsive to his spontaneous excitement in capturing the reflective moods of his subjects. In 1993, Segalman wrote the following about himself: “The first exhibition of my work was in Naples, Florida in 1960, much change and growth has occurred since then. So many questions have been answered, only to be replaced by others. For years I have searched for the meaning of art, and my role in it, only to come up with a blank. I have looked to other artists, past and present, to collectors, models and friends. Recently I discovered the answers were in me, it is just in the process of working and living. It is in the moment of truth, when you are faced with that empty canvas or blank paper. You want to scream, run or cry, and there it sits…waiting for you to risk it all. Your talent, wit and intelligence and your very being is on the line. Will it work, will anyone relate, does it matter at all? Then you somehow begin, and all the fears disappear. Finally, you realize all that matters is the work. It is not a muse or a miracle, just the starting with a vision and much love."